Who can join?
Rabbis and cantors residing in North Carolina who are members of the established rabbinic and/or cantorial organizations listed below* are eligible for membership in the NCJCA.
Why join?
To join together with North Carolina clergy colleagues to promote the interests of Judaism and the Jewish people in North Carolina and throughout the world, to serve as a collective voice of the North Carolina Jewish clergy community, and to find support and lend support in professional and personal growth.
How do I join?
Click Here for application. Dues are based on a sliding scale of $36-$180 based on free will. If you'd like to make a donation to the North Carolina Jewish Clergy Association to help support our programming, checks made out to the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte can be sent to: Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, 5007 Providence Road, Suite 101, Charlotte, NC 28226. You may also donate via credit card online (please add 3% to cover processing fees): jewishfederationcharlotte.givingfuel.com/ncjca.
Steering Committee

*Members in these organizations are eligible for membership: Central Conference of American Rabbis, Rabbinical Assembly, Rabbinical Council of America, Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, Clergy and Alumni of the Academy of Jewish Religion, CA, Alumni Association of Hebrew College Rabbinical School and Cantorial School, International Rabbinic Fellowship, OHALAH (for rabbis who received ordination from the ALEPH Institute), The American Conference of Cantors, The Cantors Assembly, The Association of Rabbis and Cantors, Alumni of the Academy of Jewish Religion New York, and the Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute.